Sunday, January 22, 2012

Crawling out of the basement

Cheesy and I went to the cleveland clinic on Tuesday to find out what was wrong with my neck. The drive was worth it because it turns out there's nothing wrong with my neck except some muscle strain. Doctor said definitely no cancer. Of course cancer is the first thing we worry about when something feels like it's just not right. Why is that? Anyway well I'm glad there is no cancer I do think there's more going on my neck than just muscle strain. And whatever it is it's my body's way of telling me that it is has had enough of sugar. Sugar--my nemesis. Its power overnight me is akin to heroins power over a junkie. I am a sugar junkie, a well informed sugar junkie but a sugar junkie nonetheless.
I've been clean now since january fifth. At the beginning of the year my neck pain was raging. Now it's all but cleared up, with just a little ache here and there. On January fifth I could barely lift my arms over my head without extreme fatigue. Yesterday I hung up all my laundry without any problems. Could sugar have been that devastating to my body? The more research I do the more the answer is yes. For some reason my 3 week Christmas cookie binge settled into my neck. I'm sure I'll never get a diagnosis, but since I've been sugar free I feel like a new person, like crawling out of a dark, damp basement. The sun's shining and I think I'll hang out for a few more decades.

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