Sunday, July 3, 2011

For something different

Anyone who has read "Memoir of a Recovering Fat Ass" knows Cheesy.  He's my dearest husband who saved me from despair nearly a decade ago.  We've been together ever since.  Instead of discussing Fat Ass issues today, I want to write about watching the one you love nearly die.  Not from and accident as in the book, but Cheesy has been suffering from hack hernia surgery.  We found a doc to help this week but it meant more surgery.  Once again I sat next to Cheesy as he suffered immeasurable pain.  We usually get through hard times unscathed, but not so this time.

Today we had a fight-the second one in nine years.  I ran away.  I didn't know what else to do.  I can only absorb so much of his pain.  It hurts me too.  So I'm sitting at the (empty) beach blogging when I should be home to absorb more pain.  I love him so much, but we never fight so I guess I don't know how to handle it.  I tried to apologize once, but it didn't work.  What do people do to overcome a fight?  Any suggestions?